Monday, May 31, 2010


I love me some workshops. I don't know whether it's the Pygmalion effect workshops have on me, or just the whole question thing, but it's like being filled with lightning. Maybe it's simply that I've spent so much time being underemployed that I welcome the chance to use my brain, but woo-baby!

My favorite subject. People asking about it. I could jump up on that soapbox (and have) for hours, talking about organic structure, chaos theory, plot points and core events.

The youtube video will have to wait until I get a lock on finals. Which kind of sucks since I wanted to use it in this particular workshop, but once I took a good hard look at my time limitations, something has to give. And I still need to find a way to put that youtube video bar on the side of my blog. So much to do, so much to do, lol.

My kid called from where he's stuck in Utah and said, "Are you having fun?" And truthfully? Hell, yeah. I'm having a great time.


Hailey Edwards said...

Woo hoo! Glad to hear you're having fun.

I'm late with Memorial Day wishes since I slept through most of it, but I hope you had a good day. :)

Unknown said...

:) I had a late day, no sleep, and in the last week--maybe five hours (no, make it six hours) of sleep. But damn--I'm having fun! Forget the Excel for right now. This is great.

Happy Belated Memorial day, Hailey! :)