Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tired, I guess

I've been working on my facebook account--and I can finally talk about it because it took until now for me to realize "how" to link back to my blog in a way I'm comfortable with. I'm not the most public person in the world, even if my kids complain that I'm way too "open". Guess having a mom with on-line presence is a little disturbing.

I've always used my blog to talk about what's going on in my life, even if it's crappy or upsetting--and yeah, it's true that my angst level is 77 on a scale of 100. If I were a regency hero, I'd fit right in.

The more research I do into writing, the more I realize how vast the subject is, and like Kate says--I'm a theory person. It took me awhile to figure out that I'm not really some kind of laser accurate scalpel fixer-upper, but more like a...well, maybe I had it right a long time ago...structuralist. I believe in systems, patterns and the big picture and I trust people to handle their own details. There's a structure to pansting, even if it's hard to see, and today--I'm not going there.

I'm having some minor health issues triggered by stress. Like the entire year I wasted strung out on antihistamines because of full body hives--issues are sucking up my time. I started halfway down that workshop at RD only to realize the presenter was right--it's hard to do anything when you're on the bottom of the Maslov hieracrhy because primary needs take precedence.

To paraphrase Thoreau, I come to this blog to spend borrowed time, robbing my creditors of an hour. As of now I'm breaking the rss link to my author page so I "can" come to this blog. I tried to tone it down so people checking me out wouldn't be turned off by my Jodi-does-Hamlet imitation, but it's who I am.

I like to think I have periods of stability, but...yeah, they're pretty sporadic. I probably wouldn't be the same person if I wore pink, anyway. *patting the blog* missed you, baby.

If you've come to check out my writing, I have archives. If you're curious about what I'm working on now--I have a facebook author page. If you don't mind the fact that I'm still on my journey--thanks for stopping by. You've been warned, lol....


Jennifer Leeland said...

I've always loved your blog because it had everything--valuable info, angst, humor, angst--LOL!!!!
*starts singing annoyingly* Don't go changin' to try and please me........

*ducks flying Shakespeare anthology*

Hailey Edwards said...

I like who you are just fine. You're entertaining, informative, and unique. Like Jenn said, you don't need to change in order to please anyone.

Also, is it just me or does anyone else see those "Easy Button" commercials and wish there was an "Easy De-Stress" button.

Life seems to be sucking hard for everyone lately. It really should stop that. ;)

Unknown said...

lol, Jen. You've stuck with me this long--and fulfilled the bet I had with my daughter about what your old user name was. You know I appreciate you. :) Promise not to go around wringing my hands and whining about blood.

Yeah, Hailey. I'm totally there with you. I sooo want to de-stress before I even get to the stress-part.

*sigh* I have one of those buttons, btw. lol...

deanna said...

As someone who loves processes, journeys, stories, and theories about writing, I feel right at home here! :o)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Deanna. : )