I'd just gotten myself something to eat, perched on my favorite people-watching chair (with two Big Macs and a cup--just for Lisa) and started shoveling fries in my mouth--when hotel people ran through the building.
"Exit through the side doors and go OUT into the parking lot!" they yelled.

Teresa d'Amario (who'd just sat down) jumped to her feet.
Despite being the second "fire" to hit RWA Nationals--Dallas being the first--how many people expect to drop everything and run like hell? They poured out in a tidal wave of perfumed chintz, and like me--found the nearest shade. Which, of course, happened to be right up against the building.
"Move AWAY from the building! That wall will be the first to go." shouted the Marriot people, chasing us like sheepdogs. The implication being that some horrible raging inferno was tearing the guts out of the once glorious Marriot Wardman and the back wall would collapse in an avalanche of bloody slag.
We oozed like slugs. Out into the desolate, (and unshaded) parking lot.

People in the hotel restaurant rushed for the stairs, servers screaming after them, "You owe us MONEY!!"
One woman told me her roommate flung money on the table and ran downstairs like a Christmas shopper, which made me wonder if the people who knew life takes Visa bothered to wait.

The fire trucks came and discovered it was a false alarm. The hotel said it was a fire drill, but I don't think DC would send two trucks to lend an air of authenticity.

I found my table and sat down, but before I could break out the food, two women shove past me, fling themselves at the firefighters and scream, "Take off your shirts!"
Romance writers.
Living their Harlequin Blaze fantasy.
Whew, SO glad I missed that part! Although, hmm, maybe seeing the firefighters would've made it all worthwhile?
The fire alarm went off? I totally missed it. There was a strange sound while I was on the 7th floor once, though...
Oh boy, I see I have a lot of catching up to do here. You do realize the quickest way to get me to visit your blog is to leave a comment on mine WITH A LINK BACK to YOURS in the siggy. I routinely click on those links to get around.
Hah, hah, hah! I was laughing at everyone scrambling out of the building, oozing around, people screaming that the restaurant owed them money ... and THEN! The false alarm and the women screaming at the firemen to take off their shirts.
This is good stuff, woman.
Hi Laurie, glad you stopped by. Those first four firefighters were damned hot (uhm, no pun intended)
Wish I'd gotten some pictures of them all hunched together in their "protective phalanx" (rushing the door in their hurry to get out)
lol, Alice. A lot of people were overlooked. I think we would have found you in event of an emergency (after the fire--as crispy critters) Just for you? I'll try to put in a sig-link.
Andi? If you could have seen the look on my face as I scrambled for my camera? I was kicking myself for stuffing that Big Mac in my mouth. I wanted to get the picture of the women shoving and the firefighters trying to escape. This one last guy was just sauntering, but no one attacked him.
The others were tall and looked like Brad Pitt clones
Thanks for the sig link. It really helps me out.
i was laughing at your pain! but mostly i'm agog: did they REALLY do that to the real firefighters??? i mean, it might happen at RT, but at RWA?
yes, they did Mima. And those firefighters drew together like they were in a plague zone and rushed the door. Except for this lone guy who kind of looked around hopefully.
He looked nothing like the blond haired, blue eyed, (you could tell they were ripped under their uniforms) people in the first group. Maybe Greek gods stick together?
I've been reading your posts from the most recent back and have died laughing at your take on the RWA event. This last, with the women shrieking at the firefighters to take off their shirts pretty much had me snorting tea out my nose. LOL!
I had a choice this year of either vacationing for a week in Nova Scotia or going to Nationals. Nova Scotia easily won out with no regrets. However, I do wish I'd been there if only to meet you in person and probably laugh my ass off at your funny observations of the madding crowd.
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